
Posts Tagged ‘Firmware’


In Accounting, Astronomy, Building Materials, China, Computing, Dean Levinson, Divrei Torah, Economics, Electronic Banking, Finance, International Development, Invention, Materials Science, Optics on September 4, 2012 at 9:42 am

Suanpan is the name for the original Chinese abacus, the term still in use. Translated as ‘counting tray’ the term literally once meant ‘sand tray’ referring to the sand that was placed in it where numerical characters were drawn.

Upon hearing the history and origin of the abacus I dubbed suanpan as ‘The Sandbox’ at the age of six. I was introduced to the abacus at age two or so. And from child’s play have changed the world. 

This is the true story of the transformation of modern computing. accounting, finance, economics, sand and silicon related materials, devices and products, ‘sandbox’ social theorization and more. All progressing (and continuing) from my earliest explorations and invention.

Dean Aaron Levinson