
‘The Calculator/Computing Language’ or ‘The (1st) Reinvention of Hewlett-Packard’

In Computing, Dean Levinson, Electronic Banking, Finance, Invention on September 4, 2012 at 10:17 am

I am the inventor of the HP-C Series Calculators.


[Under Construction]

The letter C stood for the Calculator/Computing language.

By creating the C syntax programmable calculator, I deliberately created a programming workforce as a matter of forethought.

The Calculator/Computing language became known as the ‘C’ language as I branded. I did not write the language but I COINED it and I DEFINED it and for very specific purposes so as to accomplish the following: 


The creation  of electronic banking


The re-creation of Wall Street


The creation of computerized manufacturing


The creation of computerized products


The creation of the cell phone industry


All of which I both created and invented in as well.

In regard to C, I dubbed  C+ and C++ as an afterthought. I am the creator of object-oriented language and programming combining frequent process events and data as parent-child modules.

I also created what I called CASE — Computer Aided Software Engineering which I felt Texas Instruments could develop in something called IEF (Information Engineering Facility)– and a methodology for software development to go with it calling it the SDLC — Systems Development Life Cycle  which became promoted by James Martin and popularized in consulting.


I am THE inventor of all of A, B, C, D, and E — and ALL at the same time:

Algol, Basic, C, Dos, and E-Proms


And more …

All of this came from my examination and exploration of the nature and purpose of the abacus – the suanpan. My sandbox.


I invented the C language because I am the inventor of STACKS and BUFFERING; which transformed computing, memory storage and usage and printing; and which was aided by post-fix notation — the point of C language syntax.


I invented Scientific calculators that graphed for the first time; Financial  calculators with function calculation keys; and the ability to program in both.


I am the inventor of the HP- C Series Calculators.

The Most Prolific Inventor of Our Time,

Dean Aaron Levinson

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